YABA cachaça


Create a master Innovation Strategy dedicated to sustainability, to export premium beverage better, faster, and more.


The term YABÁ refers to the Yoruba dialect and translates to “the mother who nurtures her children.” The concept was brought to Brazil during the formation of our identity, becoming part of our mixed local culture, and now represents the feminine entities that care for the culture and well-being of their people.

With a nod to Brazilian identity, we seek to recount the story of our cultural formation, of the people, the economic cycles, and the generations of Indigenous Natives, African, and European immigrants. We bring this historical importance to the present, unifying and redefining the richness of our heritage. Through form, colour, and material, the design recreates the artistic and creative expression of the Brazilian spirit.

The triangular neckless design highlights and enhances the presence of the cachaça in the market, while optimizing logistics and storing (saving 86% of space) promotes profits.

It also offers improved ergonomics for serving. Its shape and natural material provide a better grip. The applied design strategy facilitated the introduction of this new brand and product into the market.


The cultural heritage at its core. Get in the Spirit.


Clever use of space, increasing logistics potential up to 86%.

Relevant reduction of material’s use.

Carbon Reduction, generating positive credits.

15 innovation touchpoints containing oblique monetization.

Innovation is under patent registration (BR202021001166-7 / BR302021000275-2).


Daniel Kröker


Valkiria Pedri Fialkowski

巴拉那联邦大学(UFPR)的博士生和设计硕士,可持续发展、设计管理和数据驱动的设计研究员。毕业于巴拉那联邦大学产品设计专业,并拥有Fundacao Getulio Vargas的市场营销MBA学位。国家和国际设计奖评委。在其研究领域担任客座教授和讲师。

Valkiria Pedri Fialkowski

Doctor y Máster en Diseño por la Universidad Federal del Paraná (UFPR), investigadora de las áreas de Sustentabilidad, Gestión de Diseño y Diseño basado en Datos. Posee graduación en Diseño de Producto por la UFPR y MBA en Marketing por la Fundación Getúlio Vargas. Jurado de algunos premios nacionales e internacionales de diseño. Profesora invitada y ponente dentro de sus áreas de investigación.

Daniel Kröker

Diseñador con experiencia en métodos de estrategia e innovación. Posee maestría por la Domus Academy (Milán, Italia), enfocándose en la investigación para generar conceptos innovadores y contemporáneos. Tiene experiencia internacional en liderar proyectos y en identificación de nuevas maneras de servir y apoyar a las personas. Jurado en premios internacionales de diseño, ponente y profesor invitado en varias universidades.

Valkiria Pedri Fialkowski

PhD and MSc in Design by Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Sustainability, Design Management and Data-driven Design researcher. Graduated in Product Design from UFPR and has a Marketing MBA by Fundaçãoo Getúlio Vargas. National and international design awards judge. Guest professor and lecturer in her fields of research.

Daniel Kröker

Designer with experience in strategy and methods of innovation. Has a master’s degree from Domus Academy (Milan, Italy), focused on generating innovative and contemporary concepts. Has international experience leading projects and identifying new ways of serving and supporting people. International design awards judge, lecturer and guest professor in several universities.

Daniel Kröker

Designer com experiência em estratégia e métodos de inovação. Possui mestrado pela Domus Academy (Milão, Itália), com foco em pesquisa para gerar conceitos inovadores e contemporâneos. Tem vivência internacional em liderar projetos e em identificação de novas maneiras de servir e apoiar as pessoas. Jurado em prêmios internacionais de design, palestrante e professor convidado em várias universidades.

Valkiria Pedri Fialkowski

Doutora e Mestre em Design pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), pesquisadora das áreas de sustentabilidade, gestão de design e data-driven design. Possui graduação em Design de Produto pela UFPR e MBA em Marketing pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Jurada de alguns prêmios de design nacionais e internacionais. Professora convidada e palestrante dentro de suas áreas de pesquisa